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Pride board

last modification : 2017. március 13.

Melinda Bányai (teacher degree program) – 24th National Student Conference, Course Training Section, Special Award, 1999.
Judit Bártfai (teacher degree program) – 29th National Student Conference, Education Section, second place, 2009.
Ibolya Ferencsik (teacher degree program) – 24th National Student Conference, Course Training Section, Special Award, 1999.
Norbert Földesi (teacher degree program) – 2nd National University and College Kossuth-orator Competition, first place, 2000.
László Gelsei (teacher degree program) – National Visual Teaching Method and Teaching Drawing Competition, 3rd place, 2003.
Mária Horváth (teacher degree program) – National Visual Teaching Method and Teaching Drawing Competition, 1st place, 2002.
Krisztina Jónyer (teacher degree program) – National Physical Education Teaching Competition, Special Award, 2001.
László Kocsi (teacher degree program) - Pető József National Computing Competition, second place, 2009.
Ákos Gyula Lukács (teacher degree program) – 7th National University and College Kossuth-orator Competition, first place, audience award 2005; 8th National University and College Kossuth-orator Competition, Special Jury Award, audience award, 2006.
Máté Markovics (teacher degree program) - Pető József National Computing Competition, third place, 2009, first place, 2010.
Nikoletta Prókai and Roberta Rajzó (teacher degree program) – Teacher Training Colleges 1st National Chamber Music Festival, Special Award (duet), 1997.
István Sajgó (teacher degree program) – National Physical Education Teaching Competition, first place, 1999.
Huba Simcsák (teacher degree program) – 32nd National Student Conference, Learning- and Teaching Methods – Knowledge Technology Section, third place, 2015.
Gábor Tóth (teacher degree program) - Pető József National Computing Competition, first place, 2007.
Anita Véghné Nagy - Viktória Matisz (teacher degree program) – XXIV. OTDK Tantárgypedagógiai szekció, I. helyezés, 1999.

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