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last modification : 2017. március 13.

Cooperation for the renewal of teacher training in North Hungary

Duration of the project: January 2014-June 2015. All the lecturers of Comenius Faculty and some other members of the staff have been participating in forming development and in processing different research topics.
Our colleagues are working in different modules of the project. Module K/5 is called 'Implementation of organizational integration to ensure the whole domain of teacher training' and it is built upon Comenius Faculty.
A professional forum was organized by project people on 5th Sept. 2014 to present the achievements of every single module reached till that time.

Higher and Public Educational developments in the topic of Tokaj-hegyalja World Heritage

The Faculty of Comenius finished its TÁMOP-3.2.15-15 research and development project, entitled Domestication of innovative technologies in keeping traditions and the connected education and research at the end of November 2015.
The development was accomplished with such a complex view that on one hand involved the viticulture and oenology topics that are characteristic of the Tokaj Wine Region and of the lives of its citizens; and on the other hand that has also continued the pedagogical traditions of the Faculty. The research in the topic of World Heritage and in pedagogical development tied organically and symbiotically Public and Higher Education together as well.
Teachers of the Faculty, altogether with some outer experts who were needed in the cases of special areas, have worked out a ten-credit-worth module. The module offers the topic of our World Heritage for both Pre-School and Primary School Teachers. The descriptions of educational units, which classify the developmental areas into five topics from the general culture-historical approach, through the viticulture-oenology and gastronomy oriented viewpoint, to the folklore traditions and folk trades, are ready. The developers' work on the educational units has the result that the lesson plans and detailed professional material with pictures can serve as the teaching aid of the units. Four of our teachers acted as mentors at twelve different locations altogether in seventeen nurseries and primary schools, where twenty-four teachers' methodological development also went on. Its result is the pilot of the lessons and activities connectable to the higher educational development. A thirty-lesson-long educationist training was also accomplished within the topic, which was worked out and was accredited within the frame of this project. According to the programme participants the development was a significant stage in the life of the Faculty.

< Vissza